I think my mother may have put Utah on the prayer list in the temple because yesterday afternoon the temperature reached 91 degrees Fahrenheit. No, really. That’s a wonderful thing. So many times we get to the middle of May and a snowstorm comes along and knocks the blooms right off of everything, and now that I wrote that I am knocking on wood. With my forehead.
I love that I can leave the backdoor open during warmer weather and the dogs can come in and out as they please. Coco usually runs out, inspects the perimeter and then heads back in to keep watch over the kids. Last night I was certain Chuck had come back inside and gone into the basement to hide from us, but then I peeked outside and found him sitting just like this, facing the sun, solitary. Soaking in the heat on a warm evening, upright. Away from all the noise and chaos. Peaceful.
Who knows how much longer this old dog has left, hopefully many, many more years. But I think he’s at a stage where this may be his biggest joy in life. So I let him stay out there until the sun went down.