I got Marlo this blossom sprinkler for her birthday, and on Saturday we finally had a chance to try it out. She begged all morning to “go out into the water,” but I told her we needed to wait until it had warmed up a bit.
“But why?” she asked
“Because you’ll get cold.”
“No I won’t.”
“Yes, you will.”
“No. I will not.”
This disagreement continued for hours until I relented and set up the sprinkler in the front yard. Water shot up and out of the sprinkler in every direction and she squealed, the equivalent of a dog happily barking at the prospect of jumping in a lake. She hesitated before running through arching rays of water as Leta and I cheered her on.
“You can do it!” Leta urged.
Marlo finally took off and jumped right over the middle of the sprinkler:
Two jumps later she came running over to me, a total soaking mess, screaming, “I’M SOOOOO COLD! SO SO SO SO COLD!”
Yeah. Three jumps and she was done.
I took her inside and put her in a warm bath while singing a little song under my breath: “I told you so!, I told you so!”